Get more control and visibility over who's accessing your network
Zero Trust Network Isolation protects your network against data breaches, insider threats and malware without complex on-premise setups.
Onze samenwerking met Jimber als hun distributeur verloopt sinds dag één soepel. De communicatie met betrekking tot resellers, eindklanten en administratie verloopt naadloos. De technische staf heeft inzicht in zowel eenvoudige als complexe eindgebruikerssituaties. Ze staan altijd klaar om zowel partners als eindklanten te helpen met hun innovatieve oplossing.
Traditional security solutions are outdated!
Many security solutions that are in use today are perimeter-based. These solutions were developed long before the cloud and remote work became a thing. Therefore, it’s getting harder each day to protect sensitive data from ever-evolving cyberthreats.
The main risks are the inability to protect against internal threats because of limited visibility into what’s happening inside the network perimeter, very limited protection for remote workers, and complexity which leads to misconfigurations and security vulnerabilities.
These networks are easy to breach and once a hacker gets access, they can move around freely across the entire network without getting noticed.
How legacy security solutions fall short
If a hacker is able to bypass traditional VPNs or Network Segmentation, they will have broad network access and thus full control over your company's industrial OT system.
Protect your data with Zero Trust Network Isolation
Network Isolation is based on Zero Trust architecture which uses a "never trust, always verify" approach to grant access to corporate applications, data, and services. Zero trust security assumes that every device and user accessing the network is potentially compromised and must be authenticated and authorized. This approach is based on the principle of least privilege: users and devices are granted access only to the resources they need to perform their job.
Once access is granted, the user or device is isolated from the rest of the network using micro-segmentation. Creating these isolated segments ensures that even if a user or device is compromised, the damage cannot spread to the rest of the network.
Why Jimber is the best solution for Zero Trust Security
Jimber’s cloud-native approach makes this Zero Trust security solution easy to scale, hardware independent, and highly compatible with your current solutions.
Jimber’s cloud-native approach makes this Zero Trust security solution easy to scale, hardware independent, and highly compatible with your current solutions.
De cloud-native setup van Network Isolation vereist geen langdurige installaties of dure tools. Het is een veiligere en meer betaalbare beveiligingsoplossing dan traditionele firewall- of VPN-systemen.
Secure network access is based on the user’s identity and permissions, not on their location or the device they’re using.
Dankzij de gefaseerde implementatie, waarvoor geen hardware-installaties nodig zijn, zal de implementatie van Zero Trust Network Isolation bijna ongemerkt voorbijgaan.
Je hebt geen lokale hardware nodig voor beveiligde netwerktoegang. In plaats daarvan kunt u alle netwerkactiviteiten vanaf één locatie beheren en controleren via de Network Isolation Portal en Network Isolation Access Controller.
De portal maakt het eenvoudig om bij te houden welke gebruikers en apparaten toegang hebben tot specifieke gateways en resources. Bovendien kunnen beheerders rollen en machtigingen zonder veel moeite aanmaken en bewerken.
Jimber biedt 24/7 ondersteuning voor zijn alles-in-één oplossing, wat betekent dat al je beveiligingsvragen via één aanspreekpunt kunnen worden afgehandeld.
Ontdek hoe we uw bedrijf kunnen beschermen
In onze demo-oproep laten we je zien hoe onze technologie werkt en hoe deze je kan helpen je gegevens te beveiligen tegen cyberbedreigingen.
We helpen je graag om je klanten aan boord te krijgen.