Een op de vijf Belgische websites kwetsbaar voor hacking
Hackers can easily penetrate nearly one in five corporate or government Belgian websites. Government websites are at the greatest risk of hacking.Criminals can illegally modify the website at one in four sites of municipalities and local police departments, possibly gaining access to financial flows or even stealing private data. And also 20 percent of the websites of hospitals and residential care centers are unsafe.
This is what De Standaard writes on the basis of a large-scale web scan by the consultancy BDO of over 15,000 Belgian websites.It is also remarkable that relatively many websites of the care sector are in the lower regions of our test. One in five websites of hospitals, general practices and residential care centers is at high risk. You would think that they would have good security, given the sensitive nature of the data they handle. "That absolutely must improve," warns the consultancy.The biggest culprit, according to BDO, which does not offer cyber security itself, is the outdated technology that many websites in Belgium use. "Four out of ten websites still use unprotected http addresses," explains Nick Huysmans. "Hackers can easily intercept passwords via this non-encrypted technology. And it's also easy to steal all the other information that users type into websites like that."Luckily we ensure the safety for your corporate applications.Source
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