Gezond verstand introduceren in centraal beheerde wachtwoorden Jimber, we believe that passwords should rapidly become a thing of the past, since they cause a variety of problems: colleagues easily share their passwords with one another, write them down, or make the millionth phone call to the company’s IT helpdesk because they forgot their password once more. Passwordless authentication clearly makes sure that weak passwords are no longer used. Moreover, user experience is improved since no one has to remember or type passwords, and organizations do no longer have the hassle to store passwords, leading to better security, fewer breaches and lower support costs.When we look at the future, we see it passwordless, made possible by our SaaS security. We eliminate passwords for all the SaaS solutions, stating that the best option at this point is not two factor authentication, however. It is public/private key encryption combined with biometrics.Want to learn more? Check our solution!Using the same – and maybe easy to guess – password to protect your systems and confidential information? You are not alone. Though they are vulnerable to attacks and do not provide proper security, passwords are still frequently used. There is a change going on, however. By 2022, Gartner – one of the leading research and advisory companies in IT – predicts that 60% of large and global enterprises, and 90% of midsize enterprises, will implement passwordless solutions in more than 50% of use cases – up from 5% in 2018.
Ontdek hoe we uw bedrijf kunnen beschermen
In onze demo-oproep laten we je zien hoe onze technologie werkt en hoe deze je kan helpen je gegevens te beveiligen tegen cyberbedreigingen.
We helpen je graag om je klanten aan boord te krijgen.