What is
SSO (Single Sign-on)
SSO (Single Sign-on) is an authentication process that allows users to access multiple applications with just one set of credentials. It eliminates the need for users to log in separately for each application they use, thus simplifying and streamlining the user experience. SSO works by granting users access across multiple platforms by verifying their identity only once, and then passing the same authentication every time they log in to other services. This saves time and effort, while also increasing security as it reduces the chance of a user forgetting or mistyping their credentials. Additionally, SSO helps protect against cyber attacks by allowing organizations to control which parts of their network are accessible from outside sources. By limiting external access to specific areas, organizations can limit the potential damage attackers can cause if they manage to gain unauthorized access.
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In our demo call we’ll show you how our technology works and how it can help you secure your data from cyber threats.
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