On September 16th 2022, just weeks after the appearance in Fokus IT, Jimber was featured in Belgian magazine Knack's 'DataNews' as Starter of the Week. You can find the English translation of the original Dutch article here.Cybercrime is on the rise, and companies are finally starting to realise this. With their products based on Isolation Technology, start-up Jimber aims to give companies the tools to arm themselves against hackers. Server intrusions, ransomware, data theft, ...More and more companies have to deal with different types of cybercrime It doesn't look like this is going to change any time soon. 'Yet we see that smaller companies in particular still pay far too little attention to these kinds of problems,' says Jimber CEO Kristof Van Stappen. 'That's why we try to provide an affordable solution for them with a number of tools.'All these product share a common secret weapon: Isolation Technology, based on Google Chromium, among others. 'For example, we provide Browser Isolation,' says Commercial Manager Christophe Rutsaert. 'When an employee visits a website, we don’t pull all the data from that website to his computer. Instead we import it into a virtual container located between the internet and the internal network, and create an image of it.It’s that website’s visual shell, without potentially malicious scripts and other threats, that ends up on the employee's computer. He or she can then engage in all the usual interactions, such as clicking and filling in information, without the risk of harmful things infiltrating unexpectedly.' A similar product is Web App Isolation, which does the same but for web applications. You wouldn’t believe how many of those applications are still running on outdated, no-longer-maintained technology, making them very susceptible to leaks,’ says Van Stappen. ‘For example, we prevent SQL injections by hackers.’
Destroyed after use
There’s also the Jimber Digital Vault, in which a company can store all its sensitive documents and passwords. ‘We still see sticky note password reminders on employee’s computer screens all too often,' says Christophe. As you might expect, this is extremely unsafe. Our Digital Vault is secured with two-factor authentication using an Itsme-like system on your smartphone. Once logged in, you’re already working in a completely isolated environment, working on documents without actually downloading them. Moreover, everyone operates in their own vault, even when collaborating on a single document. No infection is possible there either. Furthermore, it’s possible to open e-mail attachments in a vault. If there’s a virus, it’s easily isolated and disabled. After each use, the virtual container you were working in gets destroyed automatically.'Jimber is currently working on its fourth product, says CTO Jonas Delrue. 'Our new product makes a corporate network completely virtual, so you can log in from any location but still work in a secure way. It allows users to have full control over which websites should be accessible via the network, which should be secured and so on.'
Jimber partnerships
Many users have already found their way to Jimber's SaaS solutions, including some big players in the market. 'Asset manager Truncus, for example, uses our Digital Vault for their documents,' says Jimber. 'However, it’s not our intention to actively attract end users ourselves. We count on partnerships with distributors in the field of security software, who offer our solutions to their customers. In this way, we hope to be able to scale faster worldwide. We already have users in Dubai and the United States, but as a Belgian company we want to be strong in our own country first.'Jimber's solutions were developed with the help of three research and development projects from VLAIO, accounting for approximately one million euro'. Furthermore, the founders financed their start-up with consultancy work and audits, and a capital increase of some 600,000 euros was also implemented with help from PMV. 'This allowed us to quickly grow into a company with 22 employees. It will probably take one to two years before we take the step to VC capital, but we already have contacts in that area. If we need to move faster, we can set everything in motion.'Do you want to know more about our products? Get in touch with Jimber.Translated version of the original source on Knack DataNews.
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