SDP (Software-defined Perimeter)

SDP (Software-defined Perimeter)

Qu'est-ce que

SDP (Software-defined Perimeter)


Software-defined Perimeter (SDP) is a cybersecurity technology that helps organizations protect critical systems and data. It works by creating an invisible “perimeter” around the network, creating a secure “tunnel” for communication between authorized users and the organization’s systems. This tunnel protects communications from outside interference, allowing only verified users access to the system. SDP also helps prevent visibility of sensitive information by isolating the data from prying eyes. Additionally, it provides quick response times in the event of a security breach or attack, helping reduce damage and downtime. By providing greater control over user access and better protection against malicious actors, SDP makes organizations more secure and resilient to cyber threats.

En savoir plus sur les termes relatifs à la cybersécurité

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